Legionella Policy - How-to?
Inadequate Management, lack of training and poor communication were identified as main factors

resulting in many outbreaks of Legionnaires’ Disease.
Therefore, comprehensive management system should be put in place to reduce and control the risk posed by legionella bacteria.
Having a good management policy will allow you to clearly demonstrate that your business is committed to protect your staff and general public visiting your premises. The policy does not need to be very complicated and time consuming, but it must clearly say it who does what, when and how. The policy will only be effective if you and your staff follow it and review it regularly.
Here are the most important sections that will form good management policy:
Policy Statement – sets out your commitment to managing Legionella bacteria effectively, and what you want to achieve.
Example Legionella Management Policy Statement:
“A Company, accepts its responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002 (as amended), to take all reasonable precautions to prevent or control the harmful effects of contaminated water to staff, visitors and general public visiting our premises.”
Download Free Policy Statement - Click Here
The responsibility section – sets out who is responsible for Legionella management.
Main Definitions:
Duty Holder – The person on whom the overall responsibility for the Health and Safety falls (usually Chief Executive, Managing Director, Owner) and has sufficient authority to approve necessary precautions or planned works.
Responsible Person – Person appointed by the Duty Holder to have the responsibility for day to day of the scheme of precautions. The responsible person shall be suitably trained and competent.
Deputy Responsible Person – Person appointed by the Duty Holder to have the responsibility for the day to day operation of the scheme of precautions and be answerable to the Responsible Person and will be will be available should the Responsible Person not be available. The deputy responsible person shall be suitably trained and competent.
Staff – All staff involved in the Management and Control of Legionella within the premises must ensure that all tasks allocated to them are completed and records are fully maintained. All staff involved in Legionella Management must be suitably trained and competent.
The arrangement section – contains the details of what you are going to do in order to achieve the aims set out in your policy statement.
Things to do:
Identify and assess the risks
Where reasonably practicable eliminate the risk ahead of management (COSHH Reg. 2002)
Prepare the site specific written scheme:
Who Does:

Implement the written scheme
Keep records
Review the management of Legionella on regular basis